Discussion Forums Keep Everyone Together

Discussion Forums let an idea, through a conversation, survive in a way that e-mail just can't match. You need discussion forums when your new-hire comes on board and wants to know the history of your product and the decisions that went into creating it. With Zed, you will simply point them to the Discussion Forums, and they will be off and running in no time.

  • Save time by keeping all of your important team conversations in one place
  • Be more productive by communicating consistently with your entire team
  • Don't worry if someone was left off of the CC list - everyone reads the discussion forums

Familiar Environment

In a familiar environment, you will feel right at home working with the discussion forums.
  1. Save time because you won't have to learn another piece of software
  2. Be productive right away with easy to use forum management
  3. Organize your conversations around your team and include everything you do


Forgot when that killer idea was discussed? Search for it and find it easily and quickly.
  1. No more conversations lost in e-mail
  2. Keep your team conversations alive and available so that everyone knows what is happening on all of your projects
  3. Don't waste time chasing down information that should all be in the same place

Links To Tasks

When you create tasks based on ideas from a discussion thread, you can easily link to them and ensure that they won't get lost in the shuffle.
  1. Keep your team integrated throughout all of your activities
  2. Save time by organizing your tasks and discussions so that information is not lost
  3. Avoid duplicate information by linking discussions to tasks


